Request Funding for
Composed Writing Retreat

Let’s face it: Funding for a writing retreat might be a hard sell at your institution. Those unfamiliar with InkWell’s focus on capacity building may see retreats as some form of leisure-writing, instead of what it is: an intensive professional development training that uses experiential learning to increase your long-term productivity.
If you want to pursue funding for Composed, consider these two strategies:
Make Your Case
Follow the strategy used by former InkWell retreaters and download a template funding request letter to strengthen your request for support. This model will help you make sure your request clearly articulates the benefits of the retreat to both you and your institution.
Find Outside Funds
We are so excited to have been selected by Princeton University Press (PUP) as one of its partner organizations for the Supporting Diverse Voices Book Proposal Development Grant. PUP will cover the cost of working with one of four writing coaching companies (InkWell is one) to selected scholars who offer them the right of first refusal on the proposed project. If PUP does not ultimately choose to publish the proposal, one of its editors will mentor the scholar to help them find another press. Find details on the grant cycles, application requirements, and book coaches here.